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As a small business owner, especially working in an IT consultancy role that requires a very close relationship  with many  other businesses, I have a broad understanding of business issues.  I worked as the Chair of the Business Enterprise Centre where we developed the very successful Startup September programme to help people get businesses up an running in the NT.

Chair address @ Startup September

Video of my 2023 Startup September address

I have many years experience working as Chair of the Retail Business and IT Training Advisroy Council and the Service industries Training Advisory Council. This has given me a good understanding of business issues in the NT.

I have a strong project management background and understand the importance of the timely completion of projects. One of my core undertakings is to improve performance on project completion.

Government needs to have a close relationship with business groups to make sure that there is a strong business environment in Darwin. a greater focus on small business is needed to make economic growth more sustainable.

The business environment is an important part of our lives and prosperity and we are in a situation where businesses – especially tourism and related industries – rely on the feel of the city and the way the place looks.

I will continue to work to build a strong business environment in the NT.