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The 4 Corners report on Monday night revealed what many of us knew, that the water rules in the NT are not being dealt with in a transparent and evidence based manner. Territorians are being betrayed and not getting a benefit from our natural resources again.


You can see the report here

This water fiasco goes back to the CLP days when a massive water allocation was given to a CLP candidate.  This was sold and the melon farm in the 4 Corners report is on the same land and aquifer system. Background here from 2017

What we have seen in recent days goes to the heart of our problems with transparency and accountability in government.  Even Public Servants trying to support the government with what appears to be innacurate information. This is the same set of problems we have seen with Fracking in the Beetaloo, and with the emissions of cancer causing compounds like Benzine in Darwin Harbour. The government is cutting corners and not doing monitoring that should be protecting us.

Professor Jenny Davis, who appeared in the 4 Corners report, was a victim of corrupt action by government in relation to her research into Stygofauna as a part of the Fracking SREBA process.  The Buy Local Advocate found the actions of Government was corrupt and referred the issue to ICAC.